The Bystander August 23rd 1916.
- Magazine Devoted to Travel, Literature, Art, Drama, Progress, and Locomotion..
- £18.50
This Issue of "The Bystander, August 23rd, 1916," contains 23 pages, 46 sides, and has been removed from a Bound Volume and therefore has the Binding Holes showing.
Front page shows a portrait called "Renee Among the Roses."
Articles include,-
Bystander War Comments. By the Editor.
" Filming the Cabinet." A Full page Cartoon Sketch by E.R.
" In England Now." - A Weekly Letter from "Blanche."
"The - Apres Middy." Full page Drawing by Fred Buchanan.
A full page Photograph called, - "Shells on a Monument."
"Cramming for the Little-go."
Some Remarks on Education as it Finds us at Present. By Downwriter.
The True Test of Friendship.
Young Italian Soldiers Initiated into the Mysteries of Football.
Two Half page Photographs.-
1- Soldiers of General Cadora's Victorious Army enjoying a game of Football.
2- A very Useful-Looking Team.
" Types They Have in the Navy." By Arthur Watts.
Full page Drawing called "No I.- R.N.R. and R.N.V.R. : Patient Tolerance.
The Bystander in Cpoenhagen.
" A Real Life for the Wounded."
Full page portrait of Lady Ponsonby. Wife of Sir Frederick Ponsonby, Equerry and Assistant Private Secretary to the King. Lady Ponsonby works hard at the French Red Cross Society's Invalid Canteen for Wounded Soldiers.
"Something About Holidays." By F.R.Burrow.
"Those Signals."
Full page Drawing by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather.
"Prussia's Proudest."
The Hun in Aspects Humorous and Humble.
Double pge of Sketches by Con Planck.
The Bystander in Paris By John N.Raphael.
"Father Neptune's Newest Sons."
A Peace-Time Sea Ceremony That was not Abolished.
Sketches from Life by an Anzac Soldier on his way home.
"Straight From the Somme."
Two Photographs that Tell the Tale.-
1- The Somme Itself - At Peace.
2- "We have Occupied the Village Of . . . . . . "
"The Bather - Fair and Otherwise." By "Efemera." illustrated by Hill Clarke.
The Pariah.
Full page Cartoon Sketch - Sunday on the Bath Road.
Story "The Home Coming." By C.Starr Johns.
A Fascinating photograph of Miss Dorothy Ward as "The Blue Witch," in the Blue Scene of "We're All In It !"
Full page Advert for, The Dunlop Tyre Company, Ltd.
"The Seaside Peep Show." By Jingle." illustrated by Norman Morrow.
Half page Advert for Turnbull & Asser.
The Critic's Corner. By F.T.
If we Wrote what we Really Meant !.
Half page Advert for, Heppell's Pharmacies.
Half page Advert for, The Sunbeam Motor Co Ltd.
Books of the Week.
1- The Second Harvest, by Robert Hamblin.
2- In Seven Lands, by Mr.L.A. Vizetelly's.
Half page Advert for, Burberry's.
Motor Notes.
Mainly Aerial, by Alex J.M. Gray.
Full page Advert for, B.F. Goodrich Co Ltd.
Fashion's Fancies, By Mrs. Jack May.
The Menu. By Emilia.
Cold Sweets for the Hot Weather.
1- Lemon Sponge.
2- Lemon CReam.
3- Fruit Mould.
4- Compote of Melon.
5- Raspberry Junket.
6- An Inexpensive Ice Cream.