The Sketch May 31st 1905
- The Sketch Magazine.
- £20.00
The Sketch Magazine.
Copy has 17 pages, 34 sides, it was taken from a Bound Volume and therefore has the Binding holes showing.
Front page shows a photograph of Miss Ellaline Terriss in "The Catch of the Season," at the Vaudeville.
Full page Article called "Motley Notes," by Keble Howard.
England v. Australia.
Full page of photographs showing the English Team for the First Test Match.
1- J.Gunn ( Notts).
2- A.A.Lilley (Warwickshire).
3- Mr. A.O.Jones (Notts).
4- Mr. A.C. Maclaren (Lancashire)
5- E. Arnold (Worcestershire).
6- W.Rhodes (Yorkshire).
7- Hon. F. S. Jackson, Captain (Yorkshire)
8- W.Lees (Surrey).
9- T.Hayward (Surrey).
10- Mr. B.J.T. Bosanquet (Middlesex).
11- Mr.G.L. Jessop (Gloucester).
12- J.T. Tyldesley Lancashire).
13- Mr. C.B. Fry (Sussex).
Full page Article called "The Clubman."
1- A Ladies' Driving Club.
2- Tournaments of Doves.
3- Mr. Reid and "Hands Across the Sea"
4- Unwon Medals.
Three page Article called "Small Talk of the Week."
Together with photographs showing the Following.
1- Prince Edward of Wales.
2- The King of Spain takes a Camel-Ride in the Grounds of the Castle of
3- A Poet Queen : "Carmen Sylva," Queen of Roumania.
4- A New Government Hostess ? : Lady Edmund Talbot.
5- The New Junior Lord-Elect of the Treasury : Lord Edmund Talbot.
6- The Late Mr. Louis Huth.
7- Mr. Huth's Boudoir at Possingworth Manor, Sussex.
8- The Drawing-Room at Possingworth Manor, Sussex.
Living Links With The Great Napoleon.
Full page Article showing the Following photographs,-
1- Princess Marie Bonaparte.
2- The Marquise De Villeneuve.
3- Princess Pierre Bonaparte.
4- Prince Roland Bonaparte.
Living Links With The Great Napoleon.
Full page showing Eight portrait photographs,-
1- Prince Victor Bonaparte.
2- Princess Eugenia Bonaparte.
3- Ex-Empress Eugenie.
4- The Duchess of Aosta.
5- Prince Louis Bonaparte.
6- Princess Maria Bonaparte.
7- Princess Clotilde Bonaparte.
8- Princess Charles Bonaparte.
Full page Article called "My Morning Paper, " by The Man on the Train.
Together with photographs showing the Following,-
1- Mr. F.S. Jackson : Captain of the England Eleven in the Test Matches.
2- Miss May, the Lady Farmer, working in the Fields of Mr. Edmund Smith's Farm,
St. Mary Cray, Kent.
Full page showing Scenes from "The Dictator," At the Comedy Theatre.
Full page Article called "The Stage from the Stalls," by E.F.S.
1- Mr. Martin Harvey's "Hamlet"
2- "Man and Superman"
3- Duse.
4- "Renaissance"
"The Spring-Chicken," at the Gaiety Theatre.
Full page photograph of a Painting by Albert H. Collings, showing Mrs. Lionel Monckton (Miss Gertie Millar), who is playing Rosalie in "The Spring-Chicken."
Full page Article called "The Book and its Story."
"Love in June" by Keble Howard.
Mr. Stephen Phillips, The Poet, As The Ghost of Hamlet's Father
Full page Drawing by F. Ernest Jackson.
On The Starboard Tack.
Full page Illustration Drawn by Lawson Wood.
Art and the Man.
Full page Illustration called "The Joke-Maker," Drawn by Frank Reynolds.
Full page Article called "The Literary Lounger."
Together with an Illustration called "Great Thoughts - and their Thinkers." Drawn by G.L.Stampa.
"We-Know Not What We May Be."
Full page Cartoon Illustration Drawn by Starr Wood.
A Novel in a Nutshell.
Two page Novel called " The Mystery of Eric Alston," by H. Ord-Mercer.
The Revival of an almost Extinct Art : A French Actress as Pantomimist.
Full page of photographs called "Mlle. Marthe Regnier Mimics Minor Emotions."
The London Season.
Full page Cartoon illustration Drawn by John Hassall.
The Production of "The Spring-Chicken" at the Gaiety Theatre.
Full page photograph showing Miss Olive May, who is Playing Emmy-Lou.
Full page Article called "Heard in the Green Room.
Together with a photograph of Mr. Henry A. Lytton.
Full page Article called "Key Notes," by Common Chord.
Together with a photograph showing a Canadian Singer Miss Pauline Donalda.
Full page Article called "The Man on the Car."
1- The Question of Practice on the Circuit D'Auvergne.
2- The Eliminating Trials.
3- The Condition of our Roads.
4- The Ladies' Automobile Club.
5- Chief Constables' Appeals.
6- The Washing of Cars.
7- Dust-Tests.
Full page Article "The World of Sport," by Captain Coe.
1- Epsom.
2- Open Meetings.
3- Chalk.
4- The Manchester Cup.
5- "Tic-Tac."
Together with photographs of the Largest Bear in the World.
"Our Ladies Pages," by Sybil.
Together with photographs showing the Following,-
1- A Charming Model at Peter Robinson's, Oxford Street.
2- A Garden-Party Frock.
3- Silver Cup Presented to Sir Ernest Flower, M.P. : In Recognition of his Serveces
to St. Bartholomews Hospital.
Full page Article "City Notes."
1- Inactivity and its Causes.
2- The Liverpool Nitrate Company.
3- Liverpool Nitrates.
4- Americans.
5- Commercial and Industrial.
6- Our Stroller in Throgmorton Street.