The Sketch June 14th 1905
- The Sketch Magazine.
- £20.00
The Sketch Magazine.
Copy has 16 pages, 32 sides, it was taken from a Bound Volume and therefore has the Binding holes showing.
Front page shows a photograph called To-morrow's Royal Wedding : The High Contracting Parties, Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and Princess Margaret of Connaught.
Full page Article called "Motley Notes," by Keble Howard.
What Shall We Do With Our Out-Of-Date Heroes ? : A Few Pertinent Hints.
Full page of Sketches Drawn by Ralph Cleaver.
Full page Article called "The Clubman."
Together with the Key Seating Plan for the Dinner to Mr. Joseph Knight.
Full page photograph showing the Scene at the Savoy Hotel at the Dinner to Mr. Joseph Knight Presided over by Sir Henry Irving (Jun 4th).
Three page Article called "Small Talk of the Week."
Together with the Following photographs,-
1- Miss Margaret Irby : The Accomplished Skater.
2- Mechanical Sculpture : A Bust and its Replica made by Machinery.
3- Princess Bernadotte of Sweden.
4- Photograph of a portrait of Mrs. Oswald of Auchencriuve.
5- Photograph of a portrait of Emilia, Daughter of the Duke of Leinster.
6- Photograph of a portrait of Anne Edgar, Daughter of Peter Edgar of
Full page of photographs showing the Royal Bride of June 15th : Princess Margaret, Her Family, Bridesmaids, and the Chief Celebrant.
1- The Bride's Mother : The Duchess of Connaught.
2- The Chief Bridesmaid : Princess Patricia of Connaught.
3- Bridesmaid : Princess Mary of Wales.
4- The Bride's Brother : Prince Arthur of Connaught.
5- The Bride : Princess Margaret of Connaught.
6- The Chief Officiating Prelate : The Archbishop of Canterbury.
7- The Bride's Father : The Duke of Connaught.
8- Bridesmaid : Princess Ena of Battenberg.
9- Bridesmaid : Princess Beatrice of Coburg.
Full page of photographs showing the Royal Bridegroom of Jun 15th : Prince Gustavus Adolphus, His Family, and an Officiating Prelate.
1- The Bridegroom's Paternal Grandfather : The King of Sweden.
2- The Bridegroom's Father : The Crown Prince of Sweden.
3- The Bridegroom's Maternal Grandmother : The Grand Duchess of Baden.
4- The Bridegroom : Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.
5- The Bridegroom's Paternal Grandmother : The Queen of Sweden.
6- The Bridegroom's Mother : The Crown Prince of Sweden.
7- The Bridegroom's Maternal Grandfather : The Grand Duke of Baden.
8- The Officiating Prelate : The Bishop of Oxford.
Full page Article called "My Morning Paper," by The Man on the Train.
Together with Two photographs showing,-
1- A Resurrection of Old Shot and Shell and other Curiosities : Excavations at
Basing House.
2- Our Vanishing Wooden Walls : The Old Three-Decker "St Vincent," soon to be
Abolished by the Admiralty.
A Crowned Painter's Picture Now Exhibited in London.
Full page photograph showing a Painting by the King of Portugal, now on Exhibition at the St Peter's Institute, Buckingham Palace Road.
Full page Article called "The Stage from the Stalls."
Together with a photograph showing : Mlle. Moreno, of the Comedie-
The Opera Season in Paris : The Musical Version of Sardou's "Fedora"
Full page Drawing by Edward Zier, showing M.Caruso and Mme. Lina Cavalieri in "Fedora."
The Real and the Ideal : Paris Salon Pictures and Their Models.
Full page showing the Following Seven photographs,
1- Portrait of Mll. Polaire : Painted by M. De La Gandara.
2- Photograph of Mlle. Polaire : In the Pose of the Portrait.
3- M. Edouard Sain Painting the Portrait of Mlle. Du Minil of the Comedie-
4- Studies in the Lilac Market by M. Luigi Lour.
5- The Finished Picture : " A Corner of the Lilac Market."
6- The Finished Picture "Confidences."
7- The Model in pose for Mr. Etchverry's Picture "Confidences."
"The Fairest Flower O' Th' Season."
Full page of photographs showing some Flower Studies
Photographs by Bassano.
The Mystery of a Four-Wheel Cab.
Full page of Cartoon Illustrations Drawn by Rene Bull.
The Turning of a Young Man's Fancy.
Full page Cartoon Illustration Drawn by Starr Wood.
Full page Article called "The Literary Lounger.
The Greatness That is Trust.
Full page Illustration Drawn by Frank Chesworth.
The London Season.
Full page Illustration Drawn by John Hassall.
A Novel in a Nutshell.
Two page Novel called "The Impersonators, Limited," by Edwin Pugh.
The Fantastic Side of Things : Illustration Drawn by H.C.Sandy.
Full page Article called "Heard in the Green Room."
Together with Two photographs showing the Following,-
1- The Theatrical Motor Meet at Maidenhead : Mme. Rejane on the Lawn of
the Riviera Hotel.
2- Midnight Motorists at Maidenhead : A Party at the Theatrical Motor Meet.
Miss Clare Rickards, Miss Hilda Harris, Colonel Hinton, and Mr. Vane, secretary
to F. S. Edge, Ltd.
Full page Article called "Key Notes," by Common Chord.
Together with Two photographs showing,-
1- The Poetry of the Dance at the Palace Theatre : La Tortajada.
2- The Composer of the new Waldorf Production, "Fiorella" : Mr. Amherst
Full page Article called "The Man on the Car."
1- Progress of English Manufactures.
2- Motors in the House.
3- The French Eliminating Trials.
4- The Too Zealous Constable.
5- Dust in the Carburetter.
6- Lord Russell's Plain Words to "J.P.'s"
7- A Mare's Nest.
Together with Two photographs showing,-
1- A Fair Motorist from Stageland : Miss Madge Lessing on Her Car.
2- Princess Christian's Landaulette.
Full page Article called "The World of Sport," by Captain Coe.
1- Ascot.
2- The Eclipse Stakes.
3- Manchester Cup.
4- Accidents.
Full page Article called "Our Ladie Pages," by Sibil.
Together with Two photographs showing,-
1- A Beautiful Hat at the Maison Lewis.
2- One of the new Gowns for Ascot at Peter Robinson's, Rehent Street.
Small Photograph of The Regent Hotel, Leamington, after its Reconstruction.
Small Photograph of the Silver Trophy Presented to the Right Hon. William John
Lydston, Seventh Earl Poulett.
Small Photograph of the New Turbine Steamer "Manxman."
Full page Article "City Notes."
1- Holiday Markets.
2- The New Position of the Nitrate Industry.
3- Tea and Coffee.
4- Finance in a First-Class Carriage.