House of Windsor 1910 to Today - Shop
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- London at the Wedding. 1923.
- £11.00
- Most Ancient of the Orders of Knighthood which add Splendour to the Pageantry of the Coronation. 1953.
- £11.00
- Official Natural-Colour Photograph of her Majesty the Queen as She is To-day.
- £12.50
- Official Natural-Colour Photograph of his Majesty the King as he is To-day.
- £13.50
- Official Royal Wedding Cake. (Marriage of the Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.) 1923
- £11.50
- Orders, Medals, and Badges Created by King George V.
- £13.50
- Our Soldier Prince - His Birthday : Captain H.R.H. Edward A. C. G. A. P. D. Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall. 1916.
- £12.00
- Outward and Visible Signs of Imperial Power Used at the Coronation of the British Sovereign. 1911.
- £12.50
- Peculiar Types of British Warships Brought into being by the Great War.
- £18.50
- People Who Were In The Abbey. (Wedding of the Duke of York, and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) 1923
- £11.00
- Phases of the British Army's Part in the Great War.
- £18.50
- Preparing for a Coronation in the Late Fourteenth Century.
- £14.00
- Prince Arthur Making History for England : The King's Deputy with the Soldiers of France. 1916.
- £12.00
- Prince Ludwig of Bavaria - 1910
- £11.00
- Princess Elizabeth : The Heir Presumptive to the Throne at Different Ages.
- £18.50
- Princess Elizabeth : The Heir Presumptive to the Throne at Different Ages.
- £13.00
- Proclamation of King George VI's Accession.
- £12.50
- Queen Consorts Crowned in Westminster Abbey.
- £18.50
- Queen Draga and King Alexander of Servia : King Peter of Servia : Archduke Ferdinand, Austria's heir. : Francis Joseph, the Austrian Kaiser. (191
- £12.00
- Queen Mary's Chinese Chippendale Room at Buckingham Palace.
- £14.50
- Queen Mary's Chinese Chippendale Room at Buckingham Palace.
- £13.50
- Queens' Coaches. 1953.
- £14.00
- Royal Seat in Ireland : Dublin Castle.
- £11.50
- Royal Wedding : Princess Mary to Lord Lascelles. 1922.
- £12.00
- Royalties who are prominent in the public eye - 1910
- £11.00